Our homeless veterans tiny home arrived at its destination – Burd Farm in Long Valley yesterday December 21, on OPERATION CHILLOUT’s 18th anniversary. Come spring, our first resident veteran will take occupancy in our unique Project S.T.I.L.E. – SUPPORTED TRANSITIONAL INDEPENDENT LIVING EXPERIENCE to learn and work in agriculture. Thanks to all our partners and generous donors who made this dream a reality – and in record time. “God bless us, everyone!”
Operation CHILLOUT team delivering backpacks for the men and women at Veterans Haven North.
Ken Steffan Mark Vorhees John Hennessey Ray Chimileski Tony DeStefano
Thank you to our faithful partners at Malinkrodt Pharmaceuticals for beautiful winter outreach supplies and filled backpacks. Suzanne Dzula Adams and Tina J Goulden with OPERATION CHILLOUT team John Hennessey, MAJ Tony DeStefano, Ray Chimileski and Mark Voorhees.
Thank You for Your Winter Outreach Support
Thanks to the parishioners of St Jude Church, Budd Lake, for filling fifty backpacks and collecting many winter clothing items!
A big thank you to Ort Farms, Long Valley for their generous support of OPERATION CHILLOUT. Hundreds of visitors toured OPERATION CHILLOUTs first homeless veterans tiny home during Ort Farms annual October farm weeks and Corn Maze.
Left to Right in photo
Ken Steffan, Harvey Ort, Addison Moke, Ray Chimileski, John Hennessy, Nicole Moke, Mark Voorhees
OPERATION CHILLOUT and six other Veterans groups were honored by the Branchburg Rotary Club at the annual Thanksgiving dinner of the Somerset County Cultural Diversity Coalition.
Joanne Cuomo with a case of filled backpacks generously donated by the Secular Franciscans who meet in Sussex County.
Thank you to Noi Destefano and the Thai Association for their wonderful Thai Night dinner and traditional dance performance to benefit our work with homeless vets.
Thanks to our long time partners at Union Rotary for their outstanding support of our annual winter homeless outreach!
Thank you our treasured long time partner TRAMONTIN Harley Davidson Honda Dealership in Hope, NJ. Check out their 2018-19 Winter Homeless Outreach campaign.
COL Ted Sattur, Deputy Chief of Staff for OPERATION CHILLOUT thankfully accepts a generous donation from Cmdr. Tom Villante, VFW Post 3410, Morris Plains.
Thank you to the AJ Gallagher team with monetary contributions and 35 cases of life saving water for the summer homeless outreach campaign.
Rolling Thunder Chapter 3 NJ supports our summer outreach campaign at Tramontin Harley Davidson dealership.
St Jude, Budd Lake fills truckload with cases of water and summer survival supplies.
L to R : Mark, Tony, Mel and Ray
At Newark Penn Station, OCO team Mark and Ray meet homeless US Marine Corps veterans during summer outreach campaign.
F.A.I.T.H. Foundation founder Robin Reilly with Rev Don McCracken of The River Ministry and Paul Nickels, homeless advocate, in Hackensack with supporters accepting cases of water and survival supplies from OPERATION CHILLOUT outreach team.
A big thank you to Jane Flynn who coordinated the annual collections at St Virgil Parish, Morris Plains that brought in 147 caps, 185 tee shirts, Walmart gift cards and monetary donations for the summer 2018 homeless outreach campaign.
OCO Team at Tramontin Harley Davidson receiving generous donation of cases of water and supplies. A big shout out to Nancy and Paul for their outstanding support!
OCO Team with the Riverview Ministry of the First Baptist Church of Phillipsburg serving homeless community of PBurg, Easton and the surrounding area.
Major DeStefano awards Affinity Federal Credit Union a thank you plaque for their support of NJ homeless veteran outreach.
Collecting water from St Lawrence Church, Chester.
Delivery to Father Ron Pollack at St John Episcopal Church, Somerville
Delivery at SHIP, Somerville
Team with delivery of cases life saving water to ‘Our Promise’ in Morristown.
L to R:
Tony, Kevin, Ted, Jake, Leslie, Kris, Neve center director, Todd, Theresa and Mark.
Col. Ted Sattur, OPERATION CHILLOUT Deputy Chief of Staff with Sparta Elks Lodge 2365 officers receiving a generous donation and supplies for the 2018 SUmmer Homeless Outreach Campaign. Thank you for your support of homeless NJ veterans.
North Hunterdon Rotary Club presents $18K to 5 organizations
Pictured with the recipients of funds raised from North Hunterdon Rotary Club’s Patriotic Concert are (at left) Rotarian John Hughes, who developed the idea for the concert, and (at right) Ken Sanchez, president of the North Hunterdon Rotary Club. (Rich Maxwell | for NJ Advance Media)
The FDU Madison Campus Student Veterans Association hosted a car show at Delaware Township Middle School to support the OPERATION CHILLOUT homeless veterans outreach Tiny Home project. Winner of the ‘OPERATION CHILLOUT Car Pick’ with OCO team members.
We would like to thank all of you who attended the Lacrosse Military Heroes Game on April 14th.
We are building state of the art, high energy efficient, stylish, comfortable and affordable individual custom tiny homes for homeless veterans in New Jersey. Please help us meet our goal of completing our first tiny home. Together we can make a difference!
Please visit our Registry Page to help us stock & furnish our very first Tiny Home!
Sayreville Police department launches network of support for area homeless veterans.
OPERATION CHILLOUT team delivering emergency rescue backpacks to Officer Tom Calise for their outreach initiative. L to R Ken Steffan, Deacon Ray Chimileski, Tom Calise, Maj. Tony De Stefano and Kevin Ruane. Not pictured Detective Chris Engelbrot and Det. Jeremy Berry.
We picked up two truck loads of new clothing for homeless vets yesterday collected by the Central and South Jersey Elks ‘Jim Hall memorial fund’. Everything was immediately delivered to agencies supporting homeless vets – SSVF Supportive Services for Veteran Families and Veterans Haven – South.
L to R
OPERATION CHILLOUT team: Kevin Ruane, Deacon Ray, Major D and Bob Malanga with our rigs “Mother” and “Monster”.
Outreach Team delivering 100 new winter coats to Supportive Services for Veterans and Families (SSVF) in Paterson.
L to R
Maj D, Wei, Gene, Deacon Ray, Mark at the truck
Outreach team delivers new warm clothing to 76 residents at Veterans Haven (South) Hammondton, NJ.
L to R
Sgt. William Lobach, Assnt. Superintendent ; Tony; Ray; Colonel Walter Hall, Superintendent; Doug Walters USMC.
Thanks to Lisa Mohn (L) Carmela Resnick (R) and the members of the Scotch Plains – Fanwood Rotary Club for their outstanding support of the 2017-18 OPERATION CHILLOUT winter homeless outreach campaign, bringing filled backpacks and generous donations from their caring teams.
A big thanks to St Jude Church, Budd Lake, whose parishioners collected a truckload of filled backpacks for the 2017-18 winter homeless outreach campaign.
Leigha with filled backpacks
Leigha with filled backpacks
Leigha and Ray taking inventory of winter supplies
Leigha and Ray taking inventory of winter supplies
Collecting backpacks for Sussex County homeless veterans
Collecting backpacks for Sussex County homeless veterans
John and Ray with Shoreline Harley Davidson team collecting 125 backpacks!
John and Ray with Shoreline Harley Davidson team collecting 125 backpacks!
Thanks for your great work on behalf of homeless NJ vets!
Outreach team at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Hackensack delivering backpacks and winter supplies to our homeless brothers and sisters.
Maj. DeStefano with Chef Veronica.
Delivery team with backpacks and supplies at monthly hot lunch.
OPERATION CHILLOUT team at 2017 Warren County Point In Time Survey – Homeless Connect in Phillipsburg.
Rhode Island launches new OPERATION CHILLOUT chapter and 2017 winter homeless outreach campaign with commitment to fill and deliver 125 backpacks to homeless veterans, men and women. Dave and Bev Vissoe, (former NJ OCO volunteers) networked with Rhode Island faith communities, veterans organizations and social justice ministries to establish an on going presence in RI. Congratulations!
Chillout delivery team with staff at the VA Hospital in Lyons. Filled backpacks brought for all PTSD Treatment residents, the Women’s Trauma Unit and Homeless Services Department.
OPERATION CHILLOUT team delivers backpacks to staff and volunteers of homeless service drop-in center “Our Promise” in Morristown, December 21, 2016, on the 16th anniversary of our founding.
Rev. Steve Brigham, tent city residents, and OPERATION CHILLOUT outreach team in Howell, NJ with winter survival supplies.
BASF Veterans Employee Team launches annual backpack drive for homeless veterans
Leaders of the BASF-VET with OPERATION CHILLOUT at launch of their annual collection drive.
The Original Pocono Pub in Bartonsville, PA awards a generous donation to OPERATION CHILLOUT in support of Pennsylvania regional homeless veterans.
North Hunterdon Newcomers and Friends Club of Flemington present generous donation supporting outreach to homeless NJ veterans
New outreach volunteer orientation workshop graduates at Long Valley Police Squad Room, Saturday, October 1.
At the Howell encampment, OCO summer outreach team delivered cases of refreshing water, new summer clothing and toiletries.
Rev. Steve with Ray, Tony, Ken, and camp residents.
Communal pantry at the camp shared by ten residents.
Ray and Rev. Steve with cartons of new summer clothing.
Many cases of toiletries.
Ken at the tail gate.
Mel Kaufhold, Dcn. Ray, John Hennessey, Maj. Tony DeStefano receives very generous collection of cases of water, summer clothing and donations from long time faithful partners from St Jude Church, Budd Lake.
Washington Township Long Valley annual night out
L to R
John Hennessey, Maj Tony DeStefano, Ken Steffan, Dcn. Ray Chimileski
The Newcomer’s Friends Club of Central Hunterdon County hosted an Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser breakfast Saturday, April 23, to support Operation Chillout homeless veteran outreach. Area volunteers, supporters, veterans and seniors enjoyed a delicious breakfast for a great cause!
Serving HOMELESS VETERANS has been the mission of Operation Chillout since December 21, 2000.
The Jewish War Veterans of New Jersey recognized Operation Chillout’s all-volunteer outreach to homeless veterans at their 35th annual Legislative Breakfast in Toms River on Sunday. Department Commander Larry Rosenthal named OCO their “2015-2016 Organization of the Year”.
Click each photo for larger view.
OCO Executive Director Ray Chimileski gave the keynote address recapping the history of the all-volunteer outreach and detailing the relief they provide to the thousands of homeless veterans ‘regardless of their circumstances, no borders- no boundaries’. Chimileski noted the need for continued direct compassionate action for all homeless people in NJ and remarked on the similarities between the mission statements of the two organizations. The JWV mission vows to maintain true allegiance to the United States of America; to foster and perpetuate true Americanism; to combat whatever tends to impair the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions; to uphold the fair name of the Jew and fight his or her battles wherever unjustly assailed; to encourage the doctrine of universal liberty, equal rights, and full justice to all men and women; to combat the powers of bigotry and darkness wherever originating and whatever their target.
Both groups promised to mutually support their work focusing on all veterans in need throughout NJ.
Creative, talented, mission-driven person wanted to design, coordinate and manage OPERATION CHILLOUT’s social media platform. Please contact ray@operationchillout.org
Winter outreach at the Mt Olive Baptist Church, Hackensack
Winter outreach at the Mt Olive Baptist Church, Hackensack
With your support we are able to continue providing help and support to homeless veterans. Big or small, any amount will help our cause.
Operation Chillout is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization. All donation are tax deductible to the amount allowed by law. Federal ID #: EIN 27-0181975
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Rapid Response Team
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Guardian Angels
Sponsor a Location
Like us, the homeless people we serve have individual needs and each outreach location is different. Some people need waterproof tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and survival gear. Others need work clothes for their jobs. Individuals and business organizations can sponsor an outreach location. CLICK HERE for a list of specific items we need.
Provide Legal, Medical or Mental Health Services.
If you are a practicing or retired attorney, physician, nurse practitioner, EMT, or mental health counselor we need your help. We seek to link homeless veterans, families and individuals to legal and healthcare services. CLICK HERE to find out how you can volunteer your services.