Home>>News & Events>> Operation Chillout Accepts Generous Donation from Trenton Rotary Club
Operation Chillout Accepts Generous Donation from Trenton Rotary Club
Greg Gourovitch, President of Trenton Rotary Club presents a generous donation to Ray Chimileski to support Operation Chillout’s homeless veterans outreach projects.
With your support we are able to continue providing help and support to homeless veterans. Big or small, any amount will help our cause.
Operation Chillout is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization. All donation are tax deductible to the amount allowed by law. Federal ID #: EIN 27-0181975
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Sponsor a Location
Like us, the homeless people we serve have individual needs and each outreach location is different. Some people need waterproof tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and survival gear. Others need work clothes for their jobs. Individuals and business organizations can sponsor an outreach location. CLICK HERE for a list of specific items we need.
Provide Legal, Medical or Mental Health Services.
If you are a practicing or retired attorney, physician, nurse practitioner, EMT, or mental health counselor we need your help. We seek to link homeless veterans, families and individuals to legal and healthcare services. CLICK HERE to find out how you can volunteer your services.