Jersey City cops break up candidate’s ‘haircuts for the homeless’ event
Jersey City mayoral hopeful Jerry Walker wanted to give away free haircuts to the homeless and poor in Journal Square today, but the unusual campaign event turned into a minor headache when he had to shut it down prematurely.
Turns out Walker, a former hoops star at St. Anthony High School, didn’t have a permit to host three barbers giving away free haircuts by the Journal Square 9/11 Memorial Fountain. Police officers told him he had to shut down the operation.
Walker said the officers’ actions are precisely why his campaign’s slogan is “People Before Politics.”
“We’re just trying to lend a helping hand, that’s it,” he said.
Walker’s team set up the haircut stations at about noon today. Within minutes, police officers approached to say he needed a permit. By about 12:30, Walker agreed to shut it down.
Walker had some members of his City Council slate in attendance, including Adela Rohena, an activist who is running for the Ward C council seat. The team had taped campaign signs to the fountain and trees.
Walker is one of three men challenging Mayor Jerramiah Healy in the Tuesday, May 14 city election. Walker
“I wouldn’t blame it on the mayor,” Walker said. “But it’s the police department, he’s the chief in charge, right?”
City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said park permits must be obtained to host events in that area of Journal Square.