In Oakland, California there is an artist named Gregory Kloehn who actually dumpster dives for a living. He collects random pieces of trash and other materials that have otherwise been discarded. What he does with these pieces of garbage is incredible. He uses the garbage and his talents to better his community and hone his skills...
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Operation Chillout would like to thank all of you who came out to support us at our Applebee’s® Flapjack Fundraiser. [maxgallery id=”1000″]
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On April 1st, 2014 Opeation Chillout parterned with Ultravision Films to hold a free film screening of Destiny’s Bridge at Sussex County Community College, Newton, NJ. By providing a free film screening both parties hoped to help create awareness of the homeless tent city in Lakewood, NJ. Here are some pictures from the...
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In many of South Jersey’s counties, homeless people seeking services are offered a one-way ticket to Trenton or Atlantic City. When Thomas Jones, a native of Asbury Park on the Jersey Shore, wanted to get clean and straighten out his life, service providers in his county gave him a one-way ticket to Trenton, 60 miles away....
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CHESTER TWP. – Four formerly homeless veterans may soon have a home. The housing will be made available through the newest Habitat for Humanity home on Pleasant Hill Road. The construction was completed on Wednesday Feb. 26. The home was renovated in a collaborative project of Habitat for Humanity and Hope For Veterans, a program...
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More than 600 backpacks stuffed with new warm clothing have been collected from our outreach partners this winter and delivered to homeless veterans, men and women in 14 NJ and 3 PA counties. Additionally, many hundred individual pieces of new clothing – caps, scarves, thermals, gloves, shirts, jackets, hoodies and emergency...
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